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GBGC Chain (GBGC) has been through several iterations and evolutions, each time building upon work contributed by members of the blockchain community. We would like to acknowledge the outstanding work that we have been able to achieve during development. Let's build the future together!

Bitcoin and Ethereum

There is no doubt that these two projects and their communities provided us from day one with countless creativity. They are the root and ground-zero of thought and keep providing us with brilliant utilities and ideas.

GBGC Dexathon

The GBGC Dexathon concluded in September 2018, receiving prize winning submissions from teams that sent in some really impressive projects. Our internal work on GBGC Chain (GBGC) was taking place in parallel to this and we are delighted to say that many of the projects helped to improve the final product.

Tendermint and Cosmos

Our current implementation is built on forks of Tendermint and Cosmos SDK. We make use of a revised edition of Tendermint consensus and leverage its p2p networking logic, and Cosmos SDK features such as "bank" which is used for basic token transactions. Some of the changes have been contributed back to the projects.

Projects like GBGC Chain (GBGC) and GBGC DEX are often built as forks of Bitcoin or as smart contracts on platforms like Ethereum. With a foundation of clean, well-structured code from Cosmos SDK, we were able to build on a codebase that we saw as a better alternative. Many thanks to the Cosmos developers and its community for their work (and for being really helpful in our issues and pull requests!)

Juan Leni, ZondaX

Thanks to Juan Leni for his work on the open-source Cosmos Ledger app, which we were able to use as a base for the GBGC Chain (GBGC) Ledger app.