Run a light client to join GBGC Chain (GBGC)
Light client is a program that connects to a full node to help users access and interact with GBGC Chain (GBGC) in a secure and decentralized manner without having to sync the full blockchain.
Light Client Versus Full Node
- Light client does not store blocks or states,this way it needs less disk space (50 megabytes will be enough).
- Light client does not join p2p network and it does not produce any network cost when it is idle. The network overhead depends on how many requests the light client handles concurrently.
- Light client does not replay state of the chain so that there is not CPU cost when idle. The CPU cost also depends on how many requests the light client handles concurrently.
- Light client is faster than a full node even if it lagged behind the core network for a few months. It only needs a few seconds to catch up with core network.
Platforms and System Requirement
We support running light client node on Mac OS X
, Windows
and Linux
The light client will soon be open sourced, afterwards you can cross compile light client binary and run it on other platforms.
- 50 megabytes of free disk space.
- 2 CPU cores, 50 megabytes of memory (RAM).
Run a light client node
git clone
Go to directory according to the network you want to join in.
Replace the network
variable with testnet
or prod
in the following command:
cd node-binary/lightd/{network}/{version}
Help info:
./lightd --help
This node will run a secure proxy to a gbgcnet rpc server.
All calls that can be tracked back to a block header by a proof
will be verified before passing them back to the caller. Other that
that it will present the same interface as a full gbgcnet node,
just with added trust and running locally.
lite [flags]
--cache-size int Specify the memory trust store cache size (default 10)
--chain-id string Specify the gbgcnet chain ID (default "bnbchain")
-h, --help help for lite
--home-dir string Specify the home directory (default ".gbgcnet-lite")
--laddr string Serve the proxy on the given address (default "tcp://localhost:27147")
--max-open-connections int Maximum number of simultaneous connections (including WebSocket). (default 900)
--node string Connect to a gbgcnet node at this address (default "tcp://localhost:27147")
You can specify all the parameters above.
Start the light client node according to the Platform. Replace the platform
variable with mac
, windows
or linux
in the following command:
./{{platform}}/lightd --chain-id "{chain-id}" --node tcp://{full node addr}:80 > node.log &
There are two required parameters to start a light client node: chain id
and full node addr
The chain id
of the network that you want join in.
You can find chain id at genesis file in test network
or genesis file in prod network.
The full node addr
field can be an address of any full node that you have deployed.
You can refer to Run a GBGC Chain (GBGC) full node to get more details.
We supply a bunch of full nodes that you can connect to for both mainnet and testnet.
You cat get full nodes info through a simple python script(notice to replace domain according to different network):
import requests, json
d = requests.get('').text # replace with for testnet
l = json.loads(d)
seeds = ",".join([ (seed["id"]+"@"+seed["original_listen_addr"]) for seed in l if seed["accelerated"] == False])
print (seeds)
Example for Mainnet:
./lightd --chain-id "GBGC-Chain-Tigris" --node tcp:// > node.log &
Example for Testnet:
./lightd --chain-id "GBGC-Chain-Ganges" --node tcp:// > node.log &
Working with the light client
The default port of light client is 27147